The Whole Family!



Babies’ brains make neural connections as soon as they are born. They are built to learn and make connections! With or without a diagnosis, babies and children can benefit from NeuroMovement® lessons. The lessons mimic the natural learning process and help discover and develop missing pieces of their brain wiring. Every lesson is designed to further evolve their brain.

Serving NeuroDiverse populations with diagnoses such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum, HIE, Genetic Conditions, Developmental Delays, Sensory Processing Disorder,  Scoliosis, OCD, ADD/ADHD, and Depression.

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Parenting is a time in our lives with many opportunities for disregulation. We have anxiety about the health and wellbeing of our children. We a thrown into a new and wonderful experience but there are are so many factors that make it difficult.

When you experience NeuroMovement® yourself and coach with Brilliant Movemovement you will have a rich tool kit of ideas and techniques to help optimize your baby/child/teen’s learning brain.


Seeking help with Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Scoliosis, Preparation for and Recovery from Surgery, Motor Vehicle Accident Recovery, Stroke, Neurological conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s, Overwhelm, Stress Management, Balance, Flexibility, Vitality, Self-Care, Connection and Recovery.