Sensory processing disorder (SPDs) is a condition that is based in the brain and nervous system.

No matter which sense(s) are affected (hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch) it is the processing in the brain that causes the condition.

The good news is that we grow and develop our brains from birth. AND (here’s the really good news) because we have grown and developed our brains since birth it means that we can continue to grow and change our brain’s structure and way of processing!

What happens in the brain that causes Sensory Processing Disorder?

We can’t know exactly BUT most likely some of the neural wiring did not include a rich enough network of pathways to function optimally.

How can you help? Whether your child is ...

  • under- or over- sensitive in responding to stimuli
  • craving stimuli
  • having difficulty with balance
  • having difficulty with coordination
  • having difficulty understanding stimuli appropriately (like using too much force or turning the wrong way)

... their brain needs to have the rich experience of brain change! They need to safely experience alternative ways of being and doing so that they can create new neural connections that serve them better.

Because Brilliant Movement’s movement lessons directly impacts the wiring in the brain, people who experience SPD can experience huge shifts in the way they encounter and process their experience of the world.

When the brain creates new connections we can experience upgrade in every area of our lives.

Our mood, interpersonal relationships, sensory processing and functioning all improve and blossom.

Are you wondering if this method will work for your child?